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Teachers Focus | 让每个孩子的英语学习更具交互性和可及性

Harrison Gareth Derek

Over the first half of this academic year, we in the Concordia English Department had had a focus on establishing both a strong understanding of our students and in fostering a learning environment that challenges the students to reach beyond their comfort zone. This semester we are going to make the language in their learning more interactive and accessible for all of the children.



First, we have begun a new course with a focus on the student's reading and writing skills, as these are the biggest drivers of critical understanding, language acquisition and fluent proficiency. 

A strong reading habit can help further strengthen understanding of a student's expanding vocabulary through context, but also create a fun learning environment in which the student may explore much and discover more. 


Writing creates a deeper understanding and familiarity with the language in the way that it is processed through the brain in a different way to oral language use. 

Many of our students have great speaking skills and these will only be strengthened further from the firm development of these language tools.



The key to learning and using a new language is in personal confidence. We have taken the time to speak with and learn about our students, not just their strengths and weaknesses with language, but also their interests and motivations. 



We aim to tailor the learning experience to include these, so that they may make the language more accessible and interesting to the students as it involves their own passions. 

The increased interest in the language by this means of personalizing it for the students is designed to yield a greater response and return in the rate and depth of their learning as each student grows in their confidence and comfort with the language.




To this end of expanding the language use for our students as well as their horizons in terms of their understanding of its range of use, we have planned a variety of monthly activities that will be led by our team to show students many facets of expressing themselves in the language. 



This begins with a simple Show and Tell session for each class. One student each will present to their class a possession that they love, or a hobby, or even a song or story, all in English. 

每个班级每周都有Show & Tell的环节。在这个环节,学生将向同学们展示他们的“最爱”,可以是一个物品,可以是自己的一个爱好,可以是一首喜欢的歌曲,或讲一个故事。

Extracurricular Activities

Following on from this will be a bigger activity that would be spread across several days or even a week. These activities include a Spelling Bee competition, 'Be an animal' speech, singing English language songs, drama performances written by the students and a treasure hunt in which the students must decipher clues in the language.


Meanwhile in the classrooms we are using study partnerships and groups for the students so that they may come together and support each other through their language journey. 

All the while assisted by our attentive teachers whom are always looking for exciting new ways to present the English language to the children and help them to find fun new experiences.




To summarize, we are always looking to evolve and adapt our course and our teaching in order to maximize the efficiency and efficacy of our English course, to create the best possible learning outcomes for each and every one of our students.
